Stay natural, stay COCO-MAT.
COCO-MAT Hotels in Athens truly are Athens! Four hotels that go way beyond the usual boutique hotel experience and promise a more intimate, tailored, and purely Athens-centric stay. A unique hospitality concept that celebrates nature and authenticity, and focuses on a guest’s well-being, extending it beyond a mere hotel stay to their everyday lives.

Stay in the know, stay COCO-MAT.
Everything about COCO-MAT Hotels is natural, eclectic, and utterly inspiring.
That’s exactly how we wanted our website to look and feel. A clean, simple, cozy and visually-engaging website, inspired by nature and dedicated to exceptional travelers. Virtually everything on it is concise or rather minimalist, with simple fonts and icons, a clean and elegant interface, and a responsive layout, allowing users to feel the elegance of each hotel through its web design.

Stay sophisticated, stay COCO-MAT.
What’s more, we came up with a concept of creative taglines that manages to portray the hotel and set the tone for an inspiring storytelling. All titles consist of a two-phrase period. The first is about the unique character of each hotel (Stay curious/stay natural/stay in the heart of history/stay fresh), while the second remains the same for all hotels and it is the inviting and straightforward “Stay COCO-MAT”.